Atlanta Association Management Services

The rapid growth of single-family subdivisions with mandatory Association membership in Cobb and South Cherokee Counties created the need for the professional management of homeowners associations. PURE Property Management of Georgia (previously McCreary Realty Management) added the management of these communities successfully to our portfolio in the mid -1990’s; in conjunction with our existing portfolio of single-family homes we manage for lease.

We have decades of experience in performing all of the components of real estate management for not only the single-family Leasing & Management portfolio, but the HOA portfolio as well. Over the past two decades, we routinely perform duties for our HOA clients such as budgeting, financial administration and collections, maintenance, landscaping, pool maintenance, legal/tax/insurance administration and reserve fund estimation and administration.

We consistently place communication with our HOA clients as a high priority. Communication is the foundation of any relationship, especially so in real estate management. Once Owners and HOA Directors have established clearly stated goals and objectives and have concisely communicated them with Management, success is a certainty. As professional problem solvers, we are available to aid the Owners and HOA Directors in establishing goals and objectives they deem necessary.

We put technology to work in our HOA department and have all communities set up inside a virtual file cabinet that contains all records. Can you imagine the floor space needed for just the file cabinets necessary for over 30 communities with over 3,000 homes? All of that now resides in less than 1 cubic foot!

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