5 Great Decorating Tips for Renters

5 Great Decorating Tips for Renters

With so many inspiring decorating resources, such as Pinterest, craft stores, and tv shows focused on remodels as well as flea market buys, it is an exciting time to make a rental property feel like home.

Do it yourself decorating can be both fun and rewarding. However, when renting, you must be sure that your lease allows you to do what you want to do. Here are some tips to help you get the look you want within the rules. The good news is that you will take your items with you when you leave.

1. Follow the rules. Check the lease details for guidelines about painting, changing out
fixtures, nailing holes, wall papering or creating any changes to the structure. If you see
something you want to do, negotiate this in the lease and get written permission to do so. 
Be wary of making unauthorized changes that will be sure to cost your deposit.
2. Be thrifty. Shabby chic is in! You can mix fine furniture pieces with second-hand furniture
and accessories. Shop flea markets and garage sales to repurpose items to fit your new 
space. Paint furniture, frames and canvases to customize your place without causing 
landlord issues. Add interest with art objects, books and conversation pieces on bookshelves
and tables. The less you attach to surfaces, the better!
3. Change up your floors. Rugs are an easy way to create a new look. You can change them 
out to add color, design and a different feel for each room. Again, you can roll them up and
take them with you when you leave!
4. Get colorful! Fabrics can instantly liven up a room. Add some curtains, pillows, blankets, 
spreads, upholstered furniture, bright accessories and rugs. Invest in the items that make
you happy to enhance each room in a rental house. This makes it feel uniquely yours. 
Remember, you don’t have to paint to get the color you desire.
5. Be authentic to yourself. Whether you are conservative, sassy, funky or still experimenting, 
build pieces that allow you to find a true decorating style. When you purchase items, start 
in a direction and add as you go. This allows you to get comfortable with the look you are 
trying to achieve. Remember you can always change things up. Nothing is permanent!

One of the great appeals to renting is developing likes and dislikes while creating personal spaces. It helps you decide what type of home you are happiest in and what style feels most natural. Seize this opportunity and have fun!
